Here's my entries into the shower games: (Go to to join in the fun. There are over 46 prizes to win.)
GAME # 1
If you want your 1st pick of the prizes – let us know in your comment or blog party post how long the labor and delivery of your 1st baby took! The quickest labor and delivery will win!
My labor was really quick with #1. They started inducing me at 3:00pm with something to soften my cervix and I had a few minor contractions but went into actual labor around 3:00am when my water broke, started pushing around 3:50am and had ds#1 at 4:04Am so I guess labor was 1 hour and 4 minutes. Thank goodness for fast labor :). They orginially said oh, you won't delivery for another 12 hours or so. Opps, were they wrong. LOL! :) Actually ds#2 was about almost 2 hours but he was face down so he took a little longer to find his way out. I can't imagine you poor mommies that go through hours of labor.
Game # 2
If you want the 2nd pick of the prizes – Show us a picture of your Belly Bump –the "Best" Bump will win! You'll be posting this on your blog!
You are kidding right? No bump pictures here. ;)
Game # 3
If you want the 3rd pick of the prizes, Submit a photo of your Babies Nursery. The "Best" Nursery Photo will win. You'll be posting this on your blog too!
Here it is. Can you tell I love Pooh?
Game #4
If you want the 4th pick of the prizes, The Biggest Baby will win! This can be a comment with stats or a photo on your blog along with Stats.
Ds#2 was my bigger but he was only 8lb. 6 oz so now hulk here thank goodness. We was two weeks early so I could have had the winning bruiser if he was on time :).
Top 4 Prize choices:
- Little Stork $115.00 gift certificate
- The First Adventures of Incredible You
- Hanes gift basket
- Neat Solutions gift basket
I don't see any photos?
That is so sweet and worth the wait. Who doesn't love Pooh?
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